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Syagrus Romanzoffiana (Cocos Plumosa) 20L

Syagrus Romanzoffiana (Cocos Plumosa) 20L

Regular price R 725.00
Regular price Sale price R 725.00
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The Queen Palm is a medium-sized palm, generally reaching 10-15 meters, (30-50 feet) in height. It has a variable trunk, that can range from 6 inches to 20 inches. Fruit is bright orange, 1 inch oval "dates" hang in impressive 6' bunches creating a colorful show. The party's over though, when they fall to the ground creating sticky piles of rotting fruit, that attract disagreeable insects. On the up side, volunteer seedling palms often grow from the mess if undistubed!

Syagrus romanzoffiana is a medium-sized to large solitaire palm, quickly reaching maturity at a height of 7 to 15 metres tall. It is easy to grow and very popular in cultivation. Trunk: Single of medium thickness, upright, grey, smooth up to 20 m high (but usually less), 30-60 cm wide, ringed with widely spaced horizontal old leaf scars. (

Crown: Very characteristic with a graceful, open, irregular drooping canopy of soft and fluffy fronds. Spread 4,5-7,5 m. The dead fronds are persistent and eventually absciss from the trunk after several months, but until then, they can look quite untidy. (

Leaf type: Large sized when mature, up to 5 m long, odd pinnately compound, plumose, evergreen, alternate, glossy, bright green divided with 150–250 leaflets per side often in clusters of 2–7. Leaflet 45-100 cm long and to 3 cm wide, lanceolate with parallel venation spreading in different planes giving a plume-like appearance, margin entire. Flower: The large inflorescence, initially enclosed by 2 woody pointed bracts, is a very attractive branched panicle up to 2 m long. Flowers white to yellow-gold, showy, in groups of 3 where one flower is female and 2 male. (

Fruits: The fruits (dates) are produced in hanging crowded clusters and ripen during the winter months. They consist of a hard nut surrounded with a round or broadly ovoid, thin layer of fibrous flesh that is orange and sticky when ripe; fruit length 12-30 mm, 10–20 mm wide. The fruits are edible sweet and could be described as a mixture of plum and banana.

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Syagrus Romanzoffiana (Cocos Plumosa) 20L
Syagrus Romanzoffiana (Cocos Plumosa) 20L10936
Syagrus Romanzoffiana (Cocos Plumosa) 20L10936
R 725.00/ea
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R 725.00/ea R 0.00