Arum Lily 10L
Arum Lily 10L
The Zantedeschia aethiopica has a large, white ‘flower’ that consists only of one ‘petal’ (actually a modified leaf), which curls around to form a cone shape. In the centre is a large yellow or pink floral spike, which hosts the tiny flowers of this plant. There are also pink, red, yellow and purple varieties of Zantedeschia, which are far less commonly found in nature, but make for a spectacular display. The ‘flower’ is positioned at the top of one thick stem.
These plants grow to between 60 centimetres and a metre in height, but can grow taller in well-shaded areas. The dark green leaves are long and wide with a pointed tip.
Although the main part of the plant is on display for most of the year, the actual little flowers only appear between August and January.